If your child is starting school in September 2025 and you would like to visit the school before submitting your application, contact the school office on 0161 740 2851 to book a tour.


This page has been created for parents and children to help you access and use Google Classroom, our online learning platform.

Step-by-step parent instructions on how to access and use Google Classroom can be accessed below. We have also added a useful Parent Guide. 

We would suggest that after accessing your child's classroom, you and your child familiarise yourself with the platform together. This is where teachers will set work and communicate with children while the bubble is closed. There will be a range of 'assignments' posted and some of the tasks can be uploaded/completed online for the teacher to view. The teachers are going to start using the platform to set weekly homework.  

Please regularly discuss online safety with your children.

If you have any problems with accessing or using Google Classroom, then please email child's class teachers using the year group email addresses:

Y6parents@crablane.manchester.sch.uk (for Y6 parents for example)

Video - What is Google Classroom?

How to submit an assignment on Google Classroom