If your child is starting school in September 2025 and you would like to visit the school before submitting your application, contact the school office on 0161 740 2851 to book a tour.

At Crab Lane Primary School, we aim to develop successful learners who have the qualities and attributes they need to manage their lives, fulfil their academic potential and to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society.

Our curriculum develops knowledge and skills which enable our children to access the wider curriculum and positively fulfil their roles within society.

We follow an adapted version of the Healthy Schools Manchester imatter scheme. This scheme is split into 5 key areas:

 Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

Children explore a range of content during these sessions, including personal identity, friendships, growing up, body changes, hygiene and personal safety.  Children also explore differences in society and discuss tolerance and acceptance of diversity, including the LGBT+ community. We have also introduced mental health and wellbeing sessions into the Growing and Changing units to adapt to the needs of the children in our school, giving them another opportunity to discuss mental health and understand its importance.  Our RSE curriculum meets statutory requirements.

 PSHE Curriculum Coverage Crab Lane Website.pdfDownload
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 RSE Policy - Crab Lane.pdfDownload
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 Mental and Emotional Health
We know that the emotional well-being of children is just as important as their physical health. Positive mental health allows our children to develop the resilience to cope with whatever life throws at them. We aim to promote pupils’ wellbeing by developing healthy coping strategies, by developing pupils’ understanding of their own and others’ emotions and by providing an opportunity to talk openly about these issues (which helps to break down associated stigma). Additionally, our PSHE lessons will provide pupils with strategies to access the support they need, as well as helping pupils to recognise and support friends who are facing challenges.


Keeping Safe
Within this area of the curriculum, children learn how to keep safe at home, online and in the local
environment. They will understand how to evaluate and manage risks. Children are taught about different drugs including medicines and enables children to assess risks around drug education. Children will understand that actions have consequences. Our curriculum will lay the essential foundations for the teaching of more explicit drug education in secondary schools. 


Healthy Lifestyles
Physical health and mental wellbeing are interlinked in our curriculum. It is important that pupils understand that good physical health contributes to good mental wellbeing and vice versa. Pupils are taught about the benefits and importance of daily exercise, good nutrition and sufficient sleep. 

We are committed to being a ‘Healthy School’. There is an emphasis on children bringing healthy packed lunches and the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle is embedded through the promotion of PE through lessons, a variety of afterschool and lunchtime sports clubs and the use of our running track and MUGA pitches. 


 Living in the Wider World

As part of our 'belong' culture triangle, children learn about community and how to exist as part of the wider world. It is important to recognise the value of economic wellbeing for young people’s lives, both now and in the future. Career-related learning is a curriculum driver for us and our PSHE curriculum supports this by enabling children to learn about money, enterprise and about how their choices can affect their future, hopefully broadening their horizons. We aim to educate children about the options they have so they can develop their own ambitions for their futures. Children aim to develop useful qualities such as teamwork, cooperation and communication skills through our whole-school oracy initiative. This will serve them well as they move onto Secondary school and into workplace environments. We also look at why we have rules and laws that we follow as a society. 

Whole-School Campaigns

As well as our PSHE curriculum, we run many campaigns relating to PSHE throughout the year to support its delivery.

  • For anti-bullying week, classes complete lessons in their classes about bullying and there is a whole-school anti-bullying T-shirt design competition. We have also had guest speakers and whole-school assemblies about this subject in the past.
  • For Children’s Mental Health week, we run lessons in classes relating to looking after our mental health and wellbeing. We have also had a mental health professional from Healthy Schools in to support with and deliver assemblies.
  • We engage in Sustran’s Big Pedal campaign to encourage active travel to school.
  • We hold an annual ‘Rainbow Day’ to support equality and diversity including LGBT+, which has proven very successful over the last few years. Parents/carers are invited in on this day to watch assemblies and join in with lessons in classrooms.
  • Internet Safety Day focuses on staying safe online, trolling and the effects of social media. 

 We take eSafety very seriously in school, please click the link below to find out more about how to keep your child safe online. 


Page Last Reviewed: 03.10.2024.