If your child is starting school in September 2025 and you would like to visit the school before submitting your application, contact the school office on 0161 740 2851 to book a tour.

Pupil Leadership

Children develop their leadership skills and experiences as part of our personal development offer:


Crab Lane Primary School has a School Council to ensure that all pupils across the school have a voice and feel fully involved in their own educational experience and journey. At Crab Lane, we value all children and our goal is to grow as a school, remaining focused on our learners' values, to ensure everyone feels like a valued member of our school community.

The views of our pupils are used to inform future decisions that directly affect them, thereby enabling them to play an active role in shaping their own learning and environment. We aim to create opportunities for individuals to take on leadership roles, which can lead to improved self-confidence, self-esteem, and positive mental health. A key function of our School Council is to enhance the mutual respect and trust between adults and pupils. Our School Council comprises children from every class, from Years Two to Six, and council meetings take place regularly to discuss a variety of agenda items related to our core values.

School Councillors proudly wear their badges on a consistent basis, setting a positive example throughout the school.

Page Last Reviewed: 10.10.2024